When received, we will review the request to see if it meets the requirements and, if receivable, the case will be assigned to an independent rebuttal reviewer, engaged by UNOPS on a consultancy basis.
The term “independent rebuttal reviewer” refers to a dedicated pool of consultants employed by PCG on a retainer basis. These consultants operate under the oversight of PCG but are selected to ensure impartiality – they have no prior association with UNOPS and no specific knowledge of its internal operations. This distance helps maintain the integrity of the review process by ensuring objectivity.
The role of these consultants in the rebuttal process is to verify the validity of performance ratings. Their review is not a reassessment of the performance itself; rather, it consists of a desk review and interviews with relevant stakeholders. This factual review aims to determine if there is documented and substantiated evidence of underperformance and whether the performance management process was followed correctly. Through this independent verification, the consultants provide an unbiased assessment of whether the rating is appropriately supported by evidence.
Once the review starts, the consultant will be in touch with you and your supervisor to understand if the performance rating should be amended, and make a recommendation about this to the Deputy Executive Director (or their delegate) through the Director, PCG (or their delegate).