Charter of the United Nations
Charter of the United Nations
Foundational document for the standards of conduct of UN personnel.
UNOPS Policy on Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interests (OI.Ethics.2018.02)
UNOPS Policy on Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interests (OI.Ethics.2018.02)
Explains UNOPS rules regarding financial disclosure and conflict of interest statements.
Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials, and Experts on Mission (ST/SGB/2002/9)
United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations
United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations
The foundational regulations and rules that apply to UN and UNOPS personnel.
UNOPS Policy on Protection against Retaliation (OI.Ethics.2022.01)
UNOPS Policy on Protection against Retaliation (OI.Ethics.2022.01)
Explains how UNOPS personnel are protected against retaliation for reporting misconduct or participating in an audit or investigation.
UNOPS Policy on Gifts and Hospitality (OI.Ethics.2020.01)
UNOPS Policy on Gifts and Hospitality (OI.Ethics.2020.01)
Lays out the rules concerning accepting gifts, honours, decorations, favours, etc.
Amendment to the Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2007/11 on United Nations system-wide application of ethics: separately administered organs and programmes
UN Ethics Office - Establishment and Terms of Reference ST/SGB/2005/22)
UN Ethics Office - Establishment and Terms of Reference ST/SGB/2005/22)
Explains the mandate and areas of work of the Ethics Office within the United Nations Secretariat, which extend to the UNOPS Ethics Office.